04 Feb Josie & Joel Get Married
Jeez, it’s been a busy old couple of months, so I’m going to continue where I left off…the Summer of 2018!…..
One of my best friends, Josie, got married this Summer. Josie, Eileen and myself have been best mates since university. The original “quiet affair” she threatened us with, thankfully, was replaced with an event that was akin to a Royal Wedding!
The venue was the Royal Chelsea Hospital in London and it was absolutely amazing. Jo looked utterly gorgeous!
Josie asked if I would take some pictures along with the professional and I was more than happy to. My husband seems to have become an expert at photography (while I was actually doing the courses) and so every so often there was an “Emily, Emily…EMILY…take a photo over there!” or a “Why aren’t you taking photos?” which was a little stressful but was responded to with gritted teeth or me stomping off to take a photo ‘over there’ whilst mumbling some very unpleasant things under my breath.
I love the photos I’ve taken and I was really proud to send them over to Jo and eager to see what she thought! Even more wonderfully, she has asked her professional photographer to include my photos in his album. So lovely!
The Bride’s sister and niece.
This was post-floss!
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