About Me:


On the 12th chime on the 31st December 2017, I decided that 2018 was all about Self Development.  In all honesty, on the 12th chime, we had already played two rounds of Shot Roulette.  One was a shot of gin and the other whiskey…not my favourites, but neither came straight back up!  It’s the little victories!


I am a 30-something year old living in the beautiful village of Tynemouth in the North East of England.  I have always loved taking photos and love having the good ones hanging on my walls and the not-so-good ones, taking up valuable space on one of my hundreds of storage devices.


I am not a professional photographer…yet…but I am an enthusiast with a good eye for what makes a good photo and how I can help make it better.


Please have a browse through my photos and feel free to get in touch with any queries.


It would be lovely to hear from you!


Emily x